Bailey Bear Happenings - January 22nd Edition

Week of January 18 -22, 2021

A note from the Principal

Return to campus

Parents should have received an email yesterday, Thursday, 1/21, from AISD Superintendent Dr. Elizalde, explaining she is once again encouraging the return to campus of any students wishing to be on campus for in-person learning beginning this coming Monday. Her decision is based on recent local Covid 19 data trends, Austin ISD data, and on the advice of local health authorities. Since the first week of returning from winter break, there has been a 35% decrease in daily positive COVID-19 cases in Austin ISD and a 28% decrease in the cumulative number of weekly cases reported to the district. The district currently has a 4.01% positivity rate – a 43% decrease from before and right after winter break. We will continue to insist on our safety protocols (temp checks, green screens, social distancing, wearing masks, frequent handwashing/sanitizing, etc.) to keep the campus environment as safe as possible.

Remote learning is still available

The remote learning model is still in place for any students wishing to continue to learn from home, and that model will be available for the rest of this school year. If a remote learner is wishing to return to in-person, on campus learning, we ask that you notify the main office one week in advance so we can prepare for any returning students. (512) 414-4990

Cameras On

A big Thank You to everyone for encouraging your children to have their cameras on during instruction. The initial feedback I have received from teachers has been overwhelmingly positive. They have shared with me how much better it is that they can see their students and see their reactions and responses to the lessons. That alone provides so much instant feedback to the teachers. We still need your help. Please continue to expect of your children that they keep their camera on throughout instruction with the teacher. Some students are drifting back to old habits. Some students are claiming "My camera is broken" when it is simply covered with a piece of tape. Others will stay for a short time and then shut their camera off. We are certain we can help your students be more successful when we can see and interact with them every day in every class.

Asynchronous Fridays 1/29, 2/26, 3/5, 4/9

Please note this coming Friday, 1/29 has been designated by TEA (Texas Education Agency) as an Asynchronous learning day. That means students will be learning through independent assignments posted on their teachers BLEND pages. Teachers will not be teaching their classes in person or on Zoom on those asynchronous Fridays. In order to be counted for attendance, students must go into BLEND for each of their classes and complete whatever has been assigned by the teacher. Attendance will be credited based on completion of the asynchronous task assigned for each class on those specific Fridays. Please note the dates on your calendar. Most teachers will be working remotely on these four Fridays, but students needing to be in-person, on campus are still welcome. We will have supervision in place for them. Also note: Buses will NOT be running on the four asynchronous Fridays.

John Rocha

Counselor Corner

The counselors are happy to announce our new website, Counselor Corner. This website contains information about scheduling and transition, and counseling resources. Please visit us at:

Orchestra News

Bailey Middle School and the Bailey Orchestra are celebrating 3 students who successfully auditioned for the Region 18 Orchestra in early January. Angelina Butryn - Violin, Melinda Fielding - Violin, and Aidan MacDonald - Bass (1st chair), all spent hours of personal time perfecting an etude and excerpt for their respective instruments. They then made recordings of themselves playing and were judged by Region 18 directors, who ranked the performances. Especially notable is Aidan MacDonald's achievement of first chair Bass in the ensemble.

Mr. LaRusch, the orchestra director, commented, "I am very proud of our 6 students who auditioned despite plenty of reasons to throw in the towel. They showed real perseverance and a dedication to their musical growth amid unprecedented times. This is not easy music and even the students who did not make the group spent hours preparing and bettering themselves to rise to the occasion."

The Region members spend the next weeks preparing music for the group and have opportunities to work with respected clinicians on their instrument.

Twilight @ Bailey

TWILIGHT@BAILEY--In Person Academic Support

 Is your student in need of academic support OR in need of recovering credit(s) missed during the Fall Semester?

 Bailey Middle School is offering our district supported In-Person TWILIGHT@Bailey AfterSchool from 3:45 - 5:15p.m. or TWILIGHT@Bailey Saturday School from 8:00 - Noon.

The TWILIGHT@Bailey schedule for the Spring session is as follows:

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays--Beginning on Jan. 26th & ending on Feb. 18th 

  • Saturday School --Jan. 30th, Feb. 6th, Feb. 13th and Feb. 20th

Students attending TWILIGHT@Bailey Weekdays report to the main lobby at 3:40p.m. where they will receive an afternoon snack, be assigned a seat and be counted present for attendance purposes.

Students attending TWILIGHT@Bailey Saturday School are expected to report to campus at 8:00am to be counted present, checked in and assigned a seat.

We will follow all safety protocols we have been following for students returning to and working on campus.

To help us ensure we have the correct number of seats and staff, please use the link provided to register your child for the SPRING session of TWILIGHT@Bailey. Once registrations have been submitted, a member of the office staff will reach out to you to discuss your child’s specific need(s).

If you have any questions feel free to contact your child’s counselor, teacher, the Bailey front office or either Assistant Principal. The Bailey front office staff can be reached at 512-414-4990. Thank you for your support in making your child’s education your top priority

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

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Upcoming Events


  • 25 "A" Day
  • 26 "B" Day
  • 27 "A" Day
  • 28 "B" Day
  • 29 "B" Day - This is an Asynchronous Day - Students will work remotely

Helpful Links

2020-2021 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Middle School Yearbook
