Fine Arts

Fine arts programming at Bailey offers something for everyone. Students will develop technical artistic and/or musical proficiency as well as valuable skills for life such as commitment, self-discipline and presentation skills.


The award-winning Bailey Band has had the opportunity to perform and compete at presitgious events at state, national and even international levels. We have competed at Disney World in Florida, South Padre, Colorado, Atlanta, in Canada and even attended President Obama's inauguration in Washington D.C! We also won the National Mark of Excellence Award and came 2nd at State level. When you join the band program at Bailey, not only do you learn to play an instrument to a high standard, read music and go on great trips - you also make friends for life!


As with band, orchestra students learn to read music, play an instrument to a very high standard and get to showcase their talents at prestigious events. Participation in orchestra also has wider benefits, with orchestra students proven to build advanced levels of concentration, coordination and memory skills. The Bailey orchestra consistently earns superior ratings, best in class and best in division awards and won first place at the Renaissance Festival in Plantersville, TX.


The Bailey choir has competed all over Texas, winning sweepstakes at the University Interscholastic League (UIL) and superior ratings at Soundwaves Music Festival, Kidz in the Park Music Festival and Six Flags Fiesta Texas Music Festival. The choir performs at elementary schools and nursing homes, goes caroling around Austin at Christmas, takes field trips to different musical performances and also gets to go on a fun trip to Schlitterbahn every year!


Our fun and thriving drama program offers 3 levels of performance classes, a technical theatre class, musical theatre class, weekly drama club and participation in the Spring Musical as well as field trips to see performances. We take part in workshops with our feeder high schools, Zach Theatre and Merlin Works Improv as well as participating in the One Act Festival, and All City Festival where we took sweepstakes in 2014.

Frozen Jr Flyer

Visual Arts

During the 3 year visual arts program at Bailey students learn a variety of different skills, work with new materials and go on a field trip to a different art museum each year. Bailey art students participate in 2 major competitions a year and regularly place in Top 3 in their age group. 3rd year art students create a permanent installation on campus, with their ‘legacy project’ left behind as something for future classes to enjoy and be inspired by.

 The Lion KingBailey Band

Bailey Drama

Bailey visual arts