In addition to our core courses, students are able to choose from a variety of electives:
Fine Arts: Art, Band, Choir, Dance, Guitar, Musical Theatre, Orchestra, Steel Drums, Theatre
Project Lead The Way (PLTW): Gateway to Technology (GTT): Automation and Robotics, Design and Modeling, Magic of Electrons, Science of Technology
Tech Ed: Exploring Careers, Keyboarding, Media/Animation, Tech Careers
Business: Business Careers, Exploring Careers, Keyboarding
Family Consumer Science: Culinary Arts, Skills for Living
Publications: School Newspaper, Yearbook
Athletic Groups (7th & 8th Grade only): Basketball (Boys & Girls), Football, Soccer (Boys & Girls), Tennis (Boys & Girls), Track (Boys & Girls), Volleyball (Girls)
Please review our Bailey Choice Sheet with your student. It is critical to look at this information before filling out the choice sheet so your child can choose the classes that they are really interested in.