Bailey Bear Happenings - February 12th Edition

Week of February 8 - 12, 2021

Note from the Principal

Monday, 2/15 - Student Holiday / Teacher Workday

This Monday, February 15th is a student holiday, but is still a teacher workday. School will not be in session on Monday, either In-Person or Remote. There will be no classes meeting via Zoom. Please make arrangements for having your child at home on Monday. Teachers across AISD will be using the day to engage in on-going professional development activities. At Bailey we will spend some of the day analyzing recent Middle of the Year benchmark data to help us make adjustments to instruction as we begin the 5th six-weeks grading period on 2/22. 

4th Six-weeks grading period Ends on 2/19

Please keep in mind the 4th Six-weeks grading period ends Next Friday, 2/19. Now is the time to use the Parent Cloud to review your child's grades and look for incomplete or missing assignments. You can also ask your child to log into their student portal, click on Frontline/Teams where you can then look in the "report cards" tab and see their current grades for any of their classes. If you click on a particular grade in a class it will drill down and show you all the assignments (graded, incomplete, missing, pending, etc.) that the grade in that class is based on.

Students must submit their outstanding assignments ASAP in order to receive credit. Please check with individual teachers about submission deadlines as they may vary from teacher to teacher.

Bad Weather Awareness

We weren't expecting to be conducting school 100% Remotely today, Friday, 2/12. This icy weather was a little bit of a surprise! So... I encourage you to pay careful attention to local news and to the AISD website, especially Monday evening, in case there are any news bulletins regarding school on Tuesday. Remember, Monday 2/15 is a Student Holiday/Teacher workday. Tuesday, 2/16 is currently scheduled as a regular school day (B-Day.) But the weather could change things, so keep your eye on the news. Also, be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the cold weather. Long pants and jackets should be the minimum. Classrooms in the school will likely be colder than normal on Tuesday if the overnight temp is in the single digits!!!! (Currently forecast as low as 3 degrees by the Weather Channel! Brrr!) Stay Warm!

Rental Assistance information

If you are a renter or a landlord, please take a moment to look at the attached flyer. It contains information for renters or landlords who may be experiencing payment/collection difficulties.

John Rocha, Principal

Counselor's Update

8th Graders,

Applying for a transfer for next year? Please make sure to complete the Choice Sheet for the High School you are originally zoned for even if you are applying for a transfer or planning to move. Transfers may not be approved if the Choice Sheet for your zoned school is not completed.

Click on the link below for more information about Bowie's upcoming student & parent advising night. Bowie Counselors will be available on February 16th from 4:00-6:00PM to meet with families one-on-one to answer questions.

Link to Akins Choice Sheet Information

Link to Bowie Choice Sheet Information

McCallum is having an Expo Knight event for Thursday, February 25th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm via zoom. 

Expo Knight is McCallum's annual event for rising 9th grade course fair and choice sheet night. If you have any questions, please contact 

Academy Director, Gabe Reyes at 512-937-0430.

Expo Knight:

EXPO Knight invite:

Twilight@Bailey Spring Session Extended

 Is your student in need of academic support OR in need of recovering credit(s) missed during the Fall Semester?

 Bailey Middle School is offering our district supported In-Person TWILIGHT@Bailey AfterSchool from 3:45 - 5:15p.m. or TWILIGHT@Bailey Saturday School from 8:00 - Noon.

The TWILIGHT@Bailey schedule for the Spring session is as follows:

  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays--Beginning on Jan. 26th & ending on March11th 

  • Saturday School--Jan. 30th, Feb. 6th, Feb. 13th, Feb. 20th, Feb. 27 and Mar. 6th 

Students attending TWILIGHT@Bailey Weekdays report to the main lobby at 3:40p.m. where they will receive an afternoon snack, be assigned a seat and be counted present for attendance purposes.

Students attending TWILIGHT@Bailey Saturday School are expected to report to campus at 8:00am to be counted present, checked in and assigned a seat.

We will follow all safety protocols we have been following for students returning to and working on campus.

To help us ensure we have the correct number of seats and staff, please use the link provided to register your child for the SPRING session of TWILIGHT@Bailey. Once registrations have been submitted, a member of the office staff will reach out to you to discuss your child’s specific need(s).

If you have any questions feel free to contact your child’s counselor, teacher, the Bailey front office or either Assistant Principal. The Bailey front office staff c

In-Person Student Health Screenings

In Person 7th Grade Girls and 8th Grade Boys Spinal Screening (looking for abnormal curve of spine) State Mandated on 2/18/2021

In Person 7th Grade Acanthosis Nigricans (pre-diabetes) State Mandated Screening on 2/18/2021 

 Please turn in any updated vaccine records to the health office. Email: or fax: 512-414-5434

Cheer Tryouts 2021-2022

When: Submissions are due by the end of the school day, Friday, April 30th. 

Where: Details about virtual submission will be announced later

Important Notes: 

  1. Candidates will need a physical, dated after April 15, 2021, to try out.

  2. Candidates will be submitting one continuous video of themselves spiriting in, jumps, cheer and dance. 

  3. Mandatory zoom beginning of April. 

  4. Tryout material will be released in mid-April. Date TBD.

If interested, please fill out this google form to receive updates!

Tennis and Track Tryout Information

Interested in participating in track or tennis this spring? Please contact the coaches below to indicate your interest and what events you would most like to participate in. Remember, you MUST have a physical on file in order to try out.

Boys Track: 7th grade -

8th grade -

Girls Track: 7th grade -

8th grade -


District Student Climate Survey Coming

2020-2021 Austin ISD Student Climate Survey 

The Austin ISD 2020–2021 Student Climate Survey is now available for review. Please use the links below to access a survey preview. BaileyStudents in grades 6-8 will take the survey on February 25, 2021. 

2020–2021 Student Climate Survey (English) 

Students are encouraged to participate so they can share input on the school experience. Survey results are used to improve services for our students. Participation is voluntary and all responses are confidential. 

If you would like to opt out your child from participating in this survey, please click here. Please inform your child so they understand that they will not be able to access the survey. Note: Opt out requests must be made annually. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Research & Evaluation at

La Encuesta sobre el ambiente estudiantil de 2020-2021 del Austin ISD ya está disponible para su revisión. Por favor, use los enlaces de abajo para accesar a un avance de la encuesta. Los estudiantes de Bailey en los grados 6-8 tomarán la encuesta el 25 de febrero de 2021.

2020–2021 Student Climate Survey (Spanish) 

Se les anima a los estudiantes a que participen para que puedan compartir sus opiniones acerca de la experiencia escolar. Los resultados de la encuesta se usan para mejorar los servicios para nuestros estudiantes. La participación es voluntaria y todas las respuestas son confidenciales. 

Si desea elegir que su hijo no participe en esta encuesta, haga clic aquí. Por favor, infórmele a su hijo para que sepa que no podrá accesar la encuesta. Nota: Las solicitudes para no tomar la encuesta se deben hacer anualmente. 

Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Investigación y Evaluación del AISD al

Southwest Austin Girls Lacrosse (SWAG) Clinic Information

Southwest Austin Girls (SWAG) Lacrosse

Free Beginner/Tune Up Clinic

Saturday, February 13


Bailey Middle School Athletic Fields

4020 Lost Oasis Hollow

Calling all 3rd-8th grade girls interested in learning the game of lacrosse! Bowie Women’s Lacrosse and Southwest Austin Girls (SWAG) Lacrosse will be hosting its second of two beginner/tune up clinics this coming Saturday.

  • No experience necessary
  • Learn and improve on basic skills
  • Participants must supply their own mouthguard and water bottle
  • Sticks and goggles will be provided to those who do not have their own.
  • Masks or face coverings must be worn at all times

A Covid safety waiver must be completed by parents/guardians before arrival and can be found at under the Registration tab.

Email for more laborum.

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

Need Device Tech Support?

Upcoming Events


  • 15 Staff Development Day/ Student Holiday
  • 16 "B" Day
  • 17 "A" Day
  • 18 "B" Day - In Person Health Screenings
  • 19 "A" Day

Helpful Links

2020-2021 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Middle School Yearbook
