Bailey Bear Happenings - April 23rd Edition

Week of April 19-23, 2021

Principal's Update

Human Sexuality Instruction - Cancelled for Spring semester (Grades K - 8th)

Due to the unique demands placed on schools and teachers during the COVID-19 crisis for students attending both in-person and remotely, the Human Sexuality and Responsibility (HSR) unit will not be taught to students enrolled in grades K-8th grade during the spring semester of the 2020-21 school year. More information is available in the AISD Newsletter and HSR website. 

Students who are currently enrolled in the High School 2021 Health Education course will participate in the HSR unit. Parents or legal guardians will continue to have the option to opt-out their child if so desired. Please contact your childs's Health Teacher, Coach Guerra, if you wish to opt out your child from this curriculum.

To view the curriculum, please click on the following link:

John Rocha


Immunization Update for incoming 7th Graders

Dear Bailey Middle School parent/guardian, 

For students entering 7th grade for school year 2021-2022, they will need to have the Meningitis B vaccine and a booster T-dap vaccine. A copy of their immunization will need to be provided to the Health Room by August 17, 2021 to start school in the fall. You can email the updated immunization record to or fax to 512-414-5434. 

Thank you for your help. 

Teri Grossman BSN, RN 

School Nurse 

Attendance Question Protocols

What to do if your child must be absent from school: 

  • Please email any absences to our Attendance Specialist, Angelica Garcia at or you may visit the AISD website at: 

  • If you choose to keep your child home because they are too ill to attend school due to vomiting or fever, please email Angelica Garcia explaining the reason for the absence. 

  • If your child visits a doctor or dentist, an excuse must be sent via email to

  • Please try to schedule appointments in the afternoon no later than 3:00 pm.

What to do if your child must leave school early: 

  • Please schedule all necessary appointments as late in the afternoon as possible (no later than 3:00 pm or after school). This will prevent your child from missing instruction time during a class. 

  • When you arrive to the Bailey campus to pick up your child, please be prepared with your photo I.D. Your child will be called to the attendance office and provided with a permit to leave campus. To make sure that your student is ready to leave when you arrive, please contact the office at 512.414.4990 before you arrive on campus. 

What to do if your child is tardy to school: 

  • Only AISD transportation late arrivals will be considered excused. Please send a note with the student explaining the reason for being late. If it was for an appointment, please send the doctor’s note. 

Steps taken by Bailey M.S. to ensure student attendance is marked correctly: 

  • Student attendance is reviewed on a daily basis. 

  • A letter is generated by Austin Independent School District (AISD) to inform parents about compliance with state compulsory attendance laws after a student accumulates 3 full day absences and 10 full day absences without parent documentation.

For the Student:

If your Teacher marked you absent one period of the day: 

Please email the teacher if you were marked absent for only one period of the day, teachers have 14 days to make changes on their attendance and the teachers will need to make the correction.

PTA News

 The Bailey PTA needs YOU!

Help make Bailey be the best it can be. We have several positions available on the PTA board for the 2021/2022 school year. Please contact to learn more!

Bailey Cross Country News

 Bailey Cross Country!

If any incoming 7th or 8th grade boy or girl is interested in running cross country next year, please click the link below for information. If you have any questions, please email Coach Avila

Bailey Cross Country 2021

Information on Bowie Cross Country

For more information on the Bowie Cross Country summer program, about physicals for next school year, please visit

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

Need Device Tech Support?

Upcoming Events


  • 26 - "A" Day
  • 27 - "B" Day
  • 28 - "A" Day
  • 29 - "B" Day
  • 30 - "A" Day

Helpful Links

2020-2021 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Middle School Yearbook
