Bailey Bear Happenings - August 27th Edition

Week of August 20-24, 2021

Principal's Note

Bailey Parents,

We've completed the first two weeks of school and things are slowly settling back into a more normal routine. Our students seem to be settling back into being in school with each other as they adjust to the routines of their AB Block schedule. Our 6th graders have done a very good job of figuring out their schedules and the layout of the building. They get used to it so quickly!

Hats off to our Teachers and staff for getting right back into the groove after nearly 18 months without classrooms filled with in-person students. They've made their adjustments quickly and we are now off and running.

Back To School Night (BTSN)

This year our BTSN will look different than it has in the past. In an effort to keep things as safe as possible while we are still in Stage 5 restrictions, we will offer video presentations from every teacher on your child's schedule so you can view them at anytime. In the videos teachers will share information about themselves, their classes, expectations, and how to reach them. They will share the same information as if it were a regular BTSN. Those videos will be available beginning Sunday evening, Sept. 5th on each teacher's BLEND page. 

We will also host a "Bailey Open House" on the evening of Sept. 8th starting at 6:00PM. The Open House will be targeted for those parents who are New-To-Bailey and have never visited the Bailey campus. This will be a chance to grab a map and walk around the campus to meet some of your child's teachers in person. They won't be doing any formal presentations, but this is a chance to say hello, see their classroom, and maybe pick up a little information. Our hope is you can swing by and spend a few minutes inside the building looking around, meeting teachers, and getting a feel for the spaces where your child learns every day. Remember, the Open House is completely optional.

To spread our traffic out a little on Sept. 8th, we've broken our parents into alphabetical groups by Student Last Name, starting at the end of the alphabet for a change...

S - Z 6:00 - 6:30 PM

M - R 6:30 - 7:00PM

G - L 7:00 - 7:30PM

A - F 7:30 - 8:00PM

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to do our best to offer options that might help families in different circumstances access the information they need in a way that makes them comfortable.

Go Bears!

John Rocha


Cell Phone Policy

The district allows middle school students to posses cell phones, as defined by law, while on school property or while attending school-sponsored activities on or off school property. However,

All cell phones MUST REMAIN TURNED OFF and "out of sight" during the school day. 

Violation of this rule will result in the confiscation of the device by staff.

Parents will be notified by the school if the cell phone or electronic device is confiscated. The first time a cell phone or electronic device is confiscated, it will be held in the main office for the remainder of the day. The student may pick it up at dismissal. If a cell phone or electronic device is confiscated a 2nd time, the item will be held and released to the parent when a $15 fine is paid (exact cash amount or check). The fee charged for the release of the device is allowed under Section 37.082 of the Texas Education Code. The school is allowed to hold a confiscated phone for up to 48 hours pending the payment of the fine. While Bailey is not responsible for cell phones or electronic devices brought to school, we will make every effort to assist in the recovery of lost or stolen items.

The use of cell phones to record videos and/or send videos through all forms of social media during the school day, including before and/or after school while on campus, is prohibited and will be subject to disciplinary action. Students who record or share video recordings of any students in bathrooms or locker rooms will be subject to immediate Home Suspension and possible removal to the Alternative Learning Center (ALC), and may be referred to the police for possible charges.

*Electronic devices: Includes but is not limited to Pagers, CD Players, iPODs, Mp3 players, Radios, gaming devices (PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii U) etc. "Paging device" includes a wireless mobile communication device or portable telephone.

7th Grade Immunization Reminder! Due by September 3rd

For students entering 7th grade for school year 2021-2022, they will need to have the Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine and a booster T-dap vaccine. A copy of their immunization will need to be provided to the Health Room by September 3, 2021, to start school in the fall. If student has appointment for immunizations, then please let health room know the appointment date via email. You can email the updated immunization records to or fax them to 512-414-5434.

Bailey PTA is Back and Needs YOU!!!

Bailey PTA is gearing up and needs you to join us for this upcoming year! We are very hopeful to have some of our great events, traditions and programs back in new and safe ways. Some of our open positions are a one-day time commitment, some are not that intensive but monthly, some can be done from home or on your computer and some just need an hour or two of your time in person every so often. It's an opportunity to get a seat at the table for planning and campus information and our meetings are a combination of Zoom and in-person. Contact us at if you'd like more information.

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

Need Device Tech Support?

Upcoming Events


  • 30 - "B" Day
  • 31 - "A" Day
  • 01 - "B" Day
  • 02 - "A" Day - 7th Grade Volleyball at Bailey, 8th Grade Volleyball at Lively
  • 03 - "B" Day - SPIRIT DAY!!! - Wear something featuring your "Favorite" Sports Team!

Helpful Links

2021-2022 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Middle School Yearbook
