Bailey Bear Happenings - October 11th Edition

October 11th Edition

Student Flu Shot Clinic - Paperwork Deadline October 13th

Bailey Middle School will be hosting a Student Flu Shot Clinic to be held on October 20th. All consent forms must be completed fully and returned to the office no later than October 13th by the end of day. No consent forms will be accepted after October 13th. There is a letter explaining the process and consent forms in English and Spanish. If you have any other questions, please contact the Bailey office at 512.414.4990.

Flu Parent Letter.pdf 

Flu Parent Letter Spanish (3).pdf 

English consent 2021.pdf 

Spanish Consent 2021 (1).pdf 

McCallum Fine Arts Parents Meeting - October 11th

McCallum Fine Arts Parent Meeting

If your child is interested in attending McCallum High School, please attend this Zoom on October 11th at 6:00 PM to ask questions and get more information! 

Zoom code: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 963 9643 0410

Attendance Guidelines

Contact Information

Attendance Office Hours

Monday – Friday

8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Attendance Office 512.414-5414

Fax 512.414-5434


2021 – 2022 Attendance Guidelines

Gordon Bailey Middle School has an amazing staff of professionals to provide an exceptional learning experience for your child. In order to receive full benefit from the educational services provided, your child needs to arrive on time, stay for the entire school day, and be in attendance every day. Class begins promptly at 8:20 a.m. each day.

Students must have 90% of attendance per class in order to receive credit.

What to do if your child must be absent from school:

  • Please email any absences to our Attendance Specialist, Angelica Garcia at

  • If you choose to keep your child home because they are too ill to attend school due to vomiting or fever, please email explaining the reason for the absence.

  • If your child visits a doctor or dentist, an excuse must be sent via email to

  • Please try to schedule appointments in the afternoon.

What to do if your child must leave school early:

  • Please schedule all necessary appointments as late in the afternoon as possible. This will prevent your child from missing instruction time during a class.

  • When you arrive to the Akins campus to pick up your child, please be prepared with your photo I.D. Your child will be called to the main office and provided with a permit to leave campus.

What to do if your child is tardy to school:

  • Only AISD transportation late arrivals will be considered excused. Please send a note with scholar explaining the reason for being late. If it was for an appointment, please send the doctor’s note.

Steps taken by Bailey to insure student attendance:

  • Student attendance is reviewed on a daily basis.

  • A letter is generated by Austin Independent School District (AISD) to inform parents about compliance with state compulsory attendance laws after a student accumulates 3 full day absences and 10 full day absences without parent documentation. State law mandates that if a student misses 10 days or partial days within a six-month period that the school must file charges against the parent for non-compliance in accordance with compulsory attendance laws. Students are also dropped from Bailey for non-attendance.

La secundaria Gordon Bailey Middle School tiene personal profesional increible para proveer una experiencia de aprendizaje excepcional. Para recibir el benéficio completo de los servicios educacionales proveidos, su hijo/a tiene que llegar a tiempo, quedarse todo el dia y estar en asistencia todos los dias. Las clases empiezan a las 8:20 a.m. cada dia.

Los estudiantes deben tener 90% de asistencia en cada clase para recibir credito.

Que hacer si su hijo/a va a estar ausente de la escuela:

Puede mandarle un correo electronico a Si decide dejar a su hijo/a en casa por razon de enfermedad o fiebre, mande un correo electronico explicando la razon de ausencia.

  • Si fue a una visita médica, mande la nota del doctor o clinica al correo electronico de la Sra. Garcia

  • Por favor, trate de hacer citas en las tardes.

Que hacer si su hijo/a sale temprano de la escuela:

  • Por favor haga las citas necesarias lo mas tarde posible. Así evita que su estudiante falte instrucción de las clases.

  • Cuando llegue a la escuela a levantar a el estudiante, tenga su identificación a la mano para mostrarla. Su hijo/a sera llamada/o a la oficina cuando Ud. llegue y se le dará un pase de salida.

  • Que hacer su hijo/a llegua tarde a la escuela:

  • Solamente tardanza por transportación de AISD sera excusada. Todas las otras tardanzas serán consideradas ausencias parciales. Por favor mande una nota dando la razón por la tardanza. Si fué por una cita médica, mande la nota del doctor o clínica por correo electronico a la Sra.Garcia.

Pasos tomados para asegurar la asitencia en la escuela Bailey Middle School:

  • Asistencia de estudiantes es revisada diariamente.

  • Una carta sera generada por el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Austin (AISD) para infomar a los padres/guardianes sobre la comformidad con las leyes compulsatoras del estado cuando un estudiante acumula 3 dias enteros ausente y 10 dias enteros ausente sin documentacion de los padres/guardianes.

  • Leyes del Estado requieren que si un estudiante falta mas de 10 dias enteros o parciales en un período de seis meses, la escuela debe poner cargos en contra del padre/guardian por incumplimiento de acuerdo a las leyes obligatorios de asistencia. Estudiantes puedes ser dados de alta al no presentarse a Bailey.

Order Your Yearbook!

Buy your yearbook today!

Order your 2021-22 Yearbook early! Don’t wait until the end of the year! Go to and enter Bailey Middle School. You can also purchase a “shout out” for your 8th grader. The deadline is February 16, 2022 to complete the ad. 

 Yearbook pricing schedule: 

  • August 22 - December 31, 2021 - $35.00

  • January 1 - May 15, 2022 - $40.00

  • Personalizations end on March 4, 2022

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

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Upcoming Events


  • 11 - Student Holiday - McCallum Fine Arts Parents Meeting
  • 12 - "A" Day - *B-Team Football Games
  • 13 - "B" Day - *A-Team Football Games - Deadline for Student Flu Shot Clinic
  • 14 - "A" Day 
  • 15 - "B" Day

 * Check Bailey Athletic Site for time and site for games at

Helpful Links

2021-2022 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Store
Bailey Middle School Yearbook
