Bailey Bear Happenings - October 29th Edition

October 29th Edition

Principal's Note

Water Bottles 

Did you know we have three touchless water bottle filling stations on campus? We have one on each of the 6th and 7th grade wings and one in the main hallway by the cafeteria. We are expecting 2 more to be installed soon (one in the 8th grade wing and one in the gym hallway). Why is this important? While we are still dealing with Covid 19 restrictions AISD has shut down the use of our drinking fountains as a precaution. We have asked students to bring their own water bottles to school and refill them as needed at lunch or during a passing period (it takes only a few seconds to get plenty of water). We have been providing bottled water for students who forget their refillable water bottles. Unfortunately, students are taking advantage of our generosity. Some students use "getting a bottle of water" as an excuse to get out class for a few minutes, while others are poking holes in the bottled water and spraying other students. Wet floors in high traffic areas become dangerous floors.

We need your help. Please send your child to school with a refillable water bottle (with their name on it) every day. This is the best, safest way to keep them hydrated. We can support students who forget their personal water bottle on occasion, but we cannot sustain giving out bottled water to dozens of students every day, sometimes more than once a day. So please, send your student with their own water bottle daily.

John Rocha, Principal

Picture Retake Date - November 3rd

Picture retakes will be held during lunches on Wednesday, November 3rd. If you would like your student to retake their picture, please have them bring the pictures with them to give to the photographer when they take the new picture. If your student missed picture day you can purchase pictures online using the link below, turning in a paper order form or by phone, 512-617-7780. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Legrand at 512.414.5480.

Bailey MS online order link:

PALS Canned Food Drive - November 3 - 17 

Hey Bears! This is a reminder from the PALS that we doing a Canned Food Drive from November 3rd - November 17th. You may donate by buying canned good and putting them in the box at the bus loop or the car loop doors. The B-Day Advisory class that donates the most cans will get a prize. So make sure to donate as much as you can! Thank you!

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

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Upcoming Events


  • 1 - "A" Day
  • - "B" Day - Voting on Campus - Bailey Choir Solo Contest
  • 3 - "A" Day - Picture Retake Day during lunches
  • 4 - "B" Day - Girls' Basketball games*
  • 5 - "A" Day - Spirit Day - Neon Day

 * Check Bailey Athletic Site for time and site for games at

Helpful Links

2021-2022 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Store
Bailey Middle School Yearbook
