Bailey Bear Happenings - January 4th Edition

January 4th Edition

A note from the Principal

Covid Update

The news is full of stories about the new Omicron variant of Covid-19. All indications are that it is a very contagious strain. However, the CDC, local Austin Health authorities, and AISD are all in support of students returning to in-person learning beginning tomorrow, January 5th. Bailey will be open as usual and ready for all students to return. While we are currently at Stage 4, it is important to remember that we were at Stage 5 this time last year, and in August of this year when we all returned for in person learning.

Through the fall semester we did a great job of keeping Covid infections at bay. Positive cases at Bailey were almost all from exposure outside of Bailey Middle School. That is largely because all of our families did a great job of reporting any positive cases and keeping their kids home if they were sick or had been exposed. We need to continue to do that as we begin our 2nd semester. Please keep sick children home and get family members tested whenever anyone is showing any Covid related symptoms. Please report any Covid positive result within your household to Bailey ASAP. We can get through this if we continue to work together. 

Please remember, masks and vaccines have proven to be the best protection from infection. The current recommendations are that simple single layer cloth masks may not provide enough protection from the Omicron variant. In those cases AISD is suggesting (not requiring) that students and staff may want to use two layers of masks. The N95 masks are still the most highly recommended, if they are available. The AISD website has ongoing information about vaccine clinics. Let's continue to encourage our students to wash their hands regularly.

Lunch Time changes

Beginning Jan. 10th, we will begin allowing students to have "outside time" during our lunch period. This will be optional for students and will be for the last 15 minutes of their daily lunch period. Masks will still be required outside (students will still be in a somewhat limited outside space) but this will give students a chance to stretch their legs, maybe play some basketball, and get some fresh air. Currently our students are spread out during the lunch period as much as possible with about 2/3s of any grade level inside the cafeteria and the other third eating lunch in the Great Hall outside the cafeteria. Seating charts will be re-established in the cafeteria for this new 9-weeks cycle. Students will be required to remain in their assigned seats will inside the building.

Water bottles 

We are encouraging all students to bring a water bottle from home every day. This can be as simple as a regular bottle of water from the store that can be refilled throughout the day. Remember, our drinking fountains are still off limits but we do have several touchless water bottle refilling stations on the campus. A student can refill their bottle at lunch or during passing periods. There is no need to buy fancy water bottles. Something simple, with your child's name on it will do.

Tardies & Absences

This is a reminder that school starts at 8:20 every morning. Please make sure your student arrives by 8:15 so they can be on time to class every day. Students can miss a lot of important direct instruction from their teacher even if they are a few minutes late to class. If they are late on a regular basis, they are very likely to fall behind academically.

Students who are chronically absent will have to make up some of those absences in order to get credit for the course. This may involve spending time in Saturday School at Bailey (for multiple Saturdays) to make up "seat time" for those absences. Please make sure your students are coming to school every day.

Cell Phones

Please remind your students that cell phones should not be out at any time during the school day. If a teacher sees a phone out they are asked to confiscate the phone and turn it into the office. If it is the first time a student's phone is collected, they are given a warning and the phone is returned at the end of the day. If their phone is collected more than once, the phone will not be returned to the student - a parent will be required to pick up the phone and a $15 dollar fine (check or cash only) may be assessed. Please discuss this with your student.

We are looking forward to a strong 2nd semester. Please encourage your students to engage in the lessons and optimize their learning. We will continue to monitor our safety protocols and will keep you informed of any changes that may come along. Once again, we can get through this if we continue to look out for each other.

Welcome Back! Go Bears!

John Rocha, Principal

From the Counselors

When students return on January 5th, they will report to their alpha advisory classroom to receive their spring semester schedule. Posters directing students to the correct classroom will be posted and teachers will be available to assist students. Please keep in mind that as virtual students return to campus, in order to keep class sizes appropriate some students may have a change in their schedule. 

Girls' Soccer Information

Girl's soccer practice will be Wednesday and Thursday this week from 3:50 - 5:15pm. For future weeks we will practice M-Th, 3:50 - 5:15pm.

Boys' Soccer Reminder

Please turn in your uniforms to Coach Gil in room 406.

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

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Upcoming Events


  • 5 - "A" Day
  • - "B" Day 
  • 7 - "A" Day - Spirit Day - "Twin Day"

 * Check Bailey Athletic Site for time and site for games at

Helpful Links

2021-2022 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Store
Bailey Middle School Yearbook
