Rules for Bonfire and Homecoming Dance Attendance

Bailey Parents, Guardians, and Students:

We have our Bailey Bonfire and Homecoming Dance scheduled for this Friday, Oct. 7th. Gates open at 5:30PM and the Pep Rally starts around 6:00PM. We plan to light the Bonfire at sunset - just after 7:00PM. The dance, for Bailey students only (no guests), begins at 7:30PM in the school cafeteria.

I wanted to remind parents we have some rules regarding attendance eligibility for the Bonfire and Dance. Students are considered "eligible" and can purchase tickets for the dance if... 

  • Student is passing ALL classes by Friday Oct. 7th.  The teachers' grades that are posted as of Friday Oct. 7th are the grades that will determine eligibility.
  • Student has not received any referrals in the two weeks prior to the event (beginning Monday, Sept. 26th thru Friday, Oct. 7th.)

We have been making morning announcements every day since Monday, Sept. 26th informing students of this policy. We will not sell wristbands to any student who is currently failing any class or who has received a referral in the two weeks prior to the event. Students have had plenty of time to catch up on work. Students who turn in work at the last minute should not expect teachers to have that work graded before the Friday deadline.

Students who show up at the dance Friday night without an eligible wristband will be checked by the Assistant Principals for eligibility at the door. If they are not eligible, they will not be allowed into the dance and parents will be called to pick them up. Please go over this with your child so they are not disappointed on Friday night.

Finally, the purchase of a wristband is non-refundable. If your child is eligible on Tuesday, but loses their eligibility by Friday we cannot refund the money.

The Dance ends at 9:00PM. Please be ON TIME to pick up your student at 9:00PM.

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you on Friday evening. Go Bears!

John Rocha

