Bailey Bear Happenings - October 14th Edition

October 14th Edition

Come out to Support our Football Team on the road to the Championship

On Wednesday night, October 19th, at House Park. 

The 7th Grade Team will play O'Henry and the 8th Grade Team will play Murchison. 

Remember you can purchase tickets online via the Austin ISD Athletic app or at Tickets will not be sold on campus or at the event. For any questions regarding issues purchasing your ticket online, please contact GoFan customer service at

Bailey Middle School Flu Shot Clinic for Students and Staff

Bailey Middle School will be hosting a Staff & Student Fall Flu Clinic on Tuesday, November 1, 4:00pm - 6:00pm.

All Austin ISD staff and students with insurance can receive a Flu shot at the Fall Flu Clinic at no cost. The cost for flu shots is $40 without insurance. 

Appointments will be taken from 4:00pm - 6:00pm, walk-ins will be accepted whenever possible.

Sign up for your flu shot by clicking here: FLU SHOT REGISTRATION. Please note that there are options for other vaccines, but the only vaccine that is provided at Bailey will be the Flu Shot.

If you are unable to attend your school's Flu Clinic, please help us fight the Flu and get your Flu shot with one of these local resources found here:

Flu Clinic Reminders:

  • Please double check the reminder email you receive the day prior to our event for your exact arrival time for your appointment.

    • (Some appointments may vary by a few minutes to aid in social distancing).

  • Please bring your insurance card and photo ID

  • Remember to wear a short sleeve shirt 

  • Please come at your allotted time to help with social distancing

  • Please wear a mask or face covering for your entire visit.

  • We will conduct a touchless-thermometer temperature check prior to vaccine administration

    • You must have a temp of 100.4 or less at the time of service

Contact for any questions

Clínica de otoño contra la gripe para el personal y los estudiantes - Escuela Intermedia Bailey - el martes 1 de noviembre de 4:00pm - 6:00pm.

Buenos Dias:

En la Escuela Intermedia Bailey tendrá lugar una Clínica de otoño contra la gripe para el personal y los estudiantes el martes 1 de noviembre de 4:00pm - 6:00pm.

Para registtarse, haga clic aqui: CLINICA DE OTONO CONTRA LA GRIPE

Todo el personal y los estudiantes del Austin ISD que tengan seguro médico pueden ponerse gratis la vacuna antigripal en la Clínica de otoño contra la gripe. El costo de la vacuna contra la gripe es de $40 si no tienen seguro. Se harán citas de 4:00pm - 6:00pm, se aceptarán personas sin cita cuando sea posible. 

Si su hijo no puede asistir a la Clínica contra la gripe de su escuela, por favor, ayúdennos a combatir la gripe y pónganse la vacuna a través de uno de estos recursos locales que encontrarán aquí: 

Recordatorios de la Clínica contra la gripe:

· Por favor, denle una segunda revisada al correo electrónico con el recordatorio que reciban el día anterior a nuestro evento para ver el horario exacto de llegada a la cita.

o (Algunas citas pueden variar por algunos minutos para reforzar el distanciamiento social).

· Por favor, traigan su tarjeta de seguro médico y una identificación con fotografía

· Recuerden usar ropa de manga corta.

· Lleguen a su horario asignado para apoyar con el distanciamiento social.

· Utilicen un cubrebocas o cubierta facial durante toda la visita.

· Tomaremos la temperatura con un termómetro sin contacto antes de la administración de la vacuna.

-No Deben tener una temperatura de 100.4 o menor al momento del servicio

Comuníquense con si tienen preguntas

PALS - Canned Food Drive

October 10 through October 31 the PALS will be collecting food cans for the Central Texas Food Bank. We will be having a competition for this. The advisory class that has the most cans by October 31 in each grade will get a popsicle party. There will be boxes by the office to drop off cans, PALS in the morning in a designated area that students can give cans to, and students can always give them to their advisory teacher. Students need to write the name of their advisory teacher on the cans so PALS can keep track of which classes have donated the most cans.

Bailey Middle School Career Fair Needs You!

Do you love your job? Bailey is seeking presenters from a wide range of careers to visit with students to share information about their profession. Volunteer guests will visit with our 8th grade students at booths, providing expertise to help them have a better understanding of their career goals and pathways. Presenters can share their background, experience, education, and personal goals. The Bailey Bear Career Fair is scheduled to take place on Thursday, December 8th and will run from 11:30 - 12:40 p.m. Please contact Coach Frels at to learn more and volunteer.

7th Grade Health Screenings begin next week

Vision and Hearing Screenings will begin next week for all 7th graders.

PTA 2nd Chance Auction

Thank you to everyone who came to the bonfire and participated in the silent auction. Your generous bids allowed us to raise over $6900! Please check your email to either pay for or arrange pick up/ delivery of your items.
We did end up with a few items that did not receive bids, so we are hosting a 2nd chance auction from 10:00 am Friday, October 14th through 9:00 pm Sunday, October 23rd. You may access it at

Athletic Booster Club Update

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Bailey Homecoming Dance a huge success! Approximately 450 students enjoyed a night of dancing and socializing. We couldn't have done it without the support of our Booster Club members, volunteers and those who donated. Thank you for making this special event possible for our Bailey students. Go Bears!

Bailey Beautification Committee Members Needed

Attention Parents/Guardians: We're looking for parent volunteers to join the Bailey Beautification Committee! Our committee will focus on refreshing our campus inside and out! If you are interested in joining the committee to help with fundraising, design input, and implementing our vision, please contact

AISD Showcase Invitation and Bond Meeting Dates

🏫 Austin-area families on Oct. 22 can learn about all the outstanding programs and opportunities we offer for students from Pre-K to 12th grade.

Why it matters: The inaugural Austin ISD Showcase offers a chance to meet teachers, faculty and staff from all Austin ISD campuses and learn how we’re helping students realize their potential.

  • Each school will be on hand to spotlight 🔦 what makes their campus a special place to learn and thrive.

  • You can enroll your student in one of the district’s mind-challenging, skill-sharpening or world-exploring 🌍 programs.

Where and when: Palmer Events Center, 9 a.m. to noon.

🏫 🚌 Free shuttle buses: Transportation to the event will be available from four locations: Akins ECHS, Burger Stadium, Eastside ECHS, and Nelson Field.

Interested? Please register here to let us know you’re joining us!

  • Questions? Connect with Austin ISD via Let’s Talk or by texting 512-886-6434.

Bailey Club Information

Link to Bailey Tutoring times:

FCA meets every Friday morning at 7:20am in the small gym. See You At The Pole is September 26. Meet at the flag pole at 7:30am if you are interested in praying for our school.

Classic Film Club meets every Wednesday after school from 4:00 - 5:30 in Room 312. Contact Mr. Nunziato or Ms. Lozano if you are interested.

Anime Club meets every Tuesday after school from 3:50 - 4:30 in Room 309. Contact Ms. Lozano if you are interested.

Campus Health and Safety

Click HERE to learn more about our Health and Safety Protocols. It includes information about:

  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
  • Face Coverings
  • Health Screenings
  • Visitors on Campus
  • Outdoor Learning Environments
  • Protocols for Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Physical Environment and Safety Protocols
  • Transitions

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Upcoming Events


  • 17 - “B” Day - Choir Performance
  • 18 - “A” Day – Twilight
  • 19 - “B” Day – Twilight, *7th and 8th Football 1st Round of Championship Games
  • 20 - “A” Day – Twilight
  • 21 - “B” Day
  • 22 - Twilight

 * Check Bailey Athletic Site for time and site for games at

Helpful Links

2022-2023 AISD School Calendar
Staff Directory
Bailey Counseling Website
School Lunch Menus/Cafe Info
Bailey Athletics Website
AISD Athletics Info (Physical Forms)
Bailey PTA Facebook Page
Bailey PTA Website
School Bus Route Information
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Facebook Page
Bailey Athletic Booster Club Store
Bailey Middle School Yearbook

Visit our website:
