Welcome Back and First Day Procedures

Bailey Parents/Guardians:

The faculty and staff have been busy this last week in Professional Development in preparation for receiving our students on Monday, August 14th. Here are some important points to review as the year gets started. We encourage you to go over this information with your child. I can’t wait to see the kids on Monday!


Brad Lancaster, Principal

School Start & Dismissal times:

School doors open at 7:55 AM

8:20AM - First period classes begin

3:50PM - Dismissal bell for all students

We ask that all students be picked up promptly after school, by 4:05PM. We do not have outside supervision available after that. 

Parent Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures 

Parents will drop off and pick up car riders at the front of the school in the front driveway loop (where the Bailey Marquee sign is). For student safety, drop-off and pick-up happen from the curbside lane ONLY. The second lane is used by cars that are exiting or using the visitor parking lot. When parking, please use only the spaces marked for visitors. We must drive slowly at all times. The teacher parking lot is located to the right of the Drop-off/Pick-up lanes -- please allow teachers and staff to make a right turn into that parking lot from the passing lane.

Bus Loop - For Buses ONLY

The bus loop is located on the west side of the campus (far left side as you face the front of the school). No parent drop-off or pick up is allowed in the bus loop. This loop is designated for AM unloading and PM loading of buses only

Entering the Building - Where do I go?

Students gather in the following areas once inside the school and wait until dismissed to classrooms for 1st period (approx. 8:15). Adult supervision is always present in these gathering areas.

8th graders - Large Gym

7th Graders - Small Gym

6th graders - Cafeteria and adjacent hallway

Students are not allowed to wander the halls or go to their first period classes until dismissed from their gathering areas.

Water bottles

We do have three touchless water bottle refilling stations on campus. Students are encouraged to use their water bottles to stay hydrated throughout the day. Research tells us hydrated brains learn more!

No Lunch Deliveries

Deliveries of lunches for your child are not allowed. Any food service deliveries to the school will be turned away. Do not waste your money. Students who forget their lunch are encouraged to eat the free cafeteria meal available to them.

Cell Phones

The Bailey cell phone policy is as follows: When entering the building in the morning students should turn off their cell phones and store the cell phone and their earbuds in their backpacks or keep them in their pockets. Cell phones should remain off and stored out of sight for the entire school day. Students may again use their cell phones after dismissal.

If a student makes the choice to use their cell phone during the school day, they may have their phone taken up by a teacher or staff member and have it turned in to the main office where it will be held until they may collect it at the end of the day. If this happens more than once parents may be called to pick up the cell phone in the office and a fine may be assessed.

Parents are strongly encouraged not to call or send messages during the school day. This may bring unhelpful attention to your child. If you must get an urgent message to your child, please contact the main office and we can get the message to your child quickly. We want to keep their focus on their academics as much as possible.

Class schedules

Parents, please allow your students to enter the campus by themselves on Monday. We will have adults stationed in the halls to direct students to their first period classes. They can figure it out and we will have plenty of friendly faces to help them. As middle schoolers they are on their way to building independence and self-reliance. They can do it! This is a big first step to building their confidence to figure things out on their own!
