First Day Info

What do I need to bring on the first day of school?

For the first day of school, you should bring:

  • a folder containing notebook paper, a pen or pencil
  • your Summer Reading Assignment
  • your lunch or lunch money

What do I do when I arrive at Bailey?

Doors open at 7:55. When you arrive at Bailey, you will report to your designated spaces (8th Graders in the Big Gym, 7th Graders in the Small Gym, and 6th graders in the Cafe). There will be Alpha Advisory lists by grade level posted on the wall. Find your last name on the list, and report to your assigned classroom when dismissed.
If you don’t know where to go, don’t hesitate to ask a teacher, administrator, or any Bailey staff person to help you locate your Alpha Advisory.

When do we get our schedule?

Once you arrive at Alpha Advisory, your teacher will give you your schedule and answer any questions you may have. After about 10–15 minutes, the bell will ring and you will be released to your first-period class. On Tuesday, you will report directly to your first-period class.

School Lunch Info

For the 2019-20 school year, AISD Food Services is continuing to use SchoolCafé. Parents and Guardians are able to:

  • Make Payments to Your Student's Cafeteria Account
  • View Purchase History
  • Receive Low Balance Alerts
  • View Cafeteria Menus & Nutrition
  • Apply for free & reduced meal benefits

How can parents and guardians access their child’s meal account for the 2018-19 school year?

  • To view balances or add money to a meal account, a SchoolCafé account must be created by visiting
  • The SchoolCafé mobile application can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices.
  • Online payments are subject to a processing fee. 
  • Cash payments are accepted in the café 8 a.m.-1 p.m.

AISD’s school lunch prices for the 2019–20 school year are as follows:

  • Elementary lunch price $3.00.
  • Middle and high school lunch price $3.15.
  • Adult lunch prices $3.85.

Breakfast meal prices are $1.50 for students and $2.25 for adults.