ID Badge Policy beginning November 1st

Bailey Parents/Guardians and Students,

Bailey is bringing back an old tradition. On Tuesday, Nov. 1st, all Bailey students will receive a new photo ID badge.

They will be required to wear them at all times while at school. Currently, all staff and visitors to campus must wear

an AISD ID badge or a temporary ID Sticker as part of our safety and security measures. Student photo ID badges

are yet another safety measure we are implementing to help our students transition to the heightened security

environments they will encounter at schools, colleges, military settings, and various work environments in their


The Bailey ID badges are color coded by grade level (8th - Blue, 7th - Yellow, and 6th - Green)

  • The badge displays the student’s picture, their name, the name of the school, and a barcode
  • The badge must be worn with the "Bailey Middle School" lanyard provided.
  • For individual student safety, there is no other personal information included on the ID badge. (The use of the barcode is limited to checking out library books - it cannot be used to charge items in the lunchroom, etc., at Bailey.)

ID Badge Rules

Because safety is a priority, the use of the ID badge is REQUIRED and will not be considered optional.

Students will need to show their ID badge as they come through the school doors in the morning.

Students without their photo ID badge will be sent to the office for a temporary ID Sticker they will wear all


Students who show a pattern of not following the ID Badge policies will be subject to the following:

  • 3rd time without an ID Badge - Lunch detention assigned
  • 5th time without an ID Badge - Parent is called - 2 days of lunch detention
  • 10th time without ID Badge - discipline referral, parent call, ½ day ISS.

Photo ID badges will also be required at various campus events.

Lost photo ID badges can be replaced at a cost of $5. (Students experiencing financial hardship will be

considered appropriately.)

John Rocha, Principal