Bailey Bear News

Bailey Bear Happenings - August 27th Edition

Week of August 20-24, 2021 Principal's Note Bailey Parents,

Bailey Bear Happenings - June 9th Edition

June 9, 2021 Principal's Update Dear Bailey Parents,

Bailey Bear Happenings - May 28th Edition

Week of May 24-28, 2021 8th Grade Celebration Information We will celebrate our Bailey 8th Graders with a Bailey Completion Drive Thru Ceremony. It will be held on June 2nd from 4:30 - 6:30 PM.

Bailey Bear Happenings - May 21st Edition

Week of May 17-21, 2021 8th Grade Summer School at Bailey If your child has failed two or more content classes during the 2020-2021 school year and is at risk of not meeting level completion standards by the end of the school year, Bailey will be offering a summer program for

Bailey Bear Happenings - May14th Edition

Week of May 10-14, 2021 Principal's Update Bailey Parents,

Bailey Bear Happenings - May 7th Edition

Week of May 3 - 7. 2021 Athletic Ceremony Invitation Robotic Teams Information Our Robotics Team will be back next year stronger than ever! 6th and 7th graders that want to be a part of the team need to fill out an application.

Bailey Bear Happenings -April 30th Edition

Week of April 26-30, 2021 Principal Update We’ve made it to May and we’re on the way to finish the year strong. Once again I want to remind everyone that Bailey is welcoming back to campus any students who want to be here for in-person learning.

Bailey Bear Happenings - April 23rd Edition

Week of April 19-23, 2021 Principal's Update Human Sexuality Instruction - Cancelled for Spring semester (Grades K - 8th)

Bailey Bear Happenings - April 16th Edition

Week of April 12 -16, 2021 Reminder from your Counselors As a Counseling team, we want to let you know that we are here for you and your children.

Bailey Bear Happenings - April 9th Edition

Week of April 5-9, 2021 7th Grade STAAR Writing Make -Up Day The 7th Grade STAAR Writing Test Make-Up Day will be on Wednesday, April 14th.

Bailey Bear Happenings - April 2nd Edition

Week of April 5 - 9, 2021 Principal's Update On-Campus learning As we enter the last 9 weeks of the school year, we want to re-extend our "on-campus learning invitation" to our remote students.

Bailey Bear Happenings - March 26th Edition

Week of October 8-12, 2018 Remember to bring a Refillable Water Bottle to School Daily As the weather begins to warm up, please remember to send your students to Bailey with a refillable water bottle to school DAILY.