Bailey Bear News

8th Grade PSAT Information for October 11th

PSAT 8/9: Your Child’s Head Start Starts Here

AISD Student Success Guide and Update for E-Cigarette policy

The Austin ISD Student Success Guide (Student Code of Conduct) is now available on the Austin ISD District website for students, parents, and guardians to review. One important legislative update is that ALL e-cigarettes (THC and Tobacco) are prohibited.

New Principal Introduction

Dear Bailey Middle School Community Members,  I am honored and thrilled to be the newest Principal of Bailey Middle School. Leading such an incredible school community of dedicated educators and talented students is truly humbling.

Student Walkout at Bailey - A letter from Mr. Rocha

Subject: Student walkout today May 11, 2023   Dear Bailey Middle School Families,

Important STAAR Information

Bailey Parents and Guardians,

8th Grade End-of-Year Trip Information!

8th grade end of year trip forms have been given to students. We are going to Austin's Park on May 22nd and the cost is $45 per student. If you pay before May 1st the price is reduced to $40. Please contact Coach Brown if you have any questions or need another copy of the form.  

2023 STAAR Testing Dates

2023 STAAR Testing Dates Reading 6th-8th Grade – April 19  Make-Up Reading 6th – 8th – April 20  

No School on Monday, February 20th

Please remember that Monday, February 20th is a staff and student holiday.  There is no school on Monday.  See you on Tuesday!  It's going to be an "A" Day.

No Valentine's Day Deliveries Please

No Valentine's Day Deliveries for Students, Please!

Early Release Day - Friday February 17th

AISD will have an early release day on Friday, February 17th.  Bailey Middle School students will be released at 2:30 pm.  Buses will run their regular routes, but depart from campus at 2:30 pm.  

Incoming 9th Graders Attending Bowie - Showcase January 18th at 5:30 pm.

Incoming 9th Grade Showcase - Bowie High School January 18, 2023 5:30PM-7:30PM