Bailey Bear News

Bailey Bear Happenings - April 8th Edition

April 8th Edition Bailey Celebrations Let's Celebrate Bailey! 7th Grade Football: City Runner Up  8th Grade Basketball: CITY CHAMPIONS  Tennis Team: Team Matches: 4 Wins, 2 Loses

Bailey Bear Happenings - April 1st Edtion

April 1st Edition Bailey Bear Fun Run - April 7th at 6:00 pm The Bailey Bear Fun Run will take place on Thursday, April 7th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. All students, families, and staff are welcome. Meet on the track for a run with friends.

Bailey Bear Happenings - March 25th Edition

March 25th Edition Upcoming Student Holidays Parents please be aware of the upcoming student holidays. Students will not attend school on: April 1st or April 15th

Bailey Bear Happenings - March 11th Edition

March 11th Edition Track - Parent Meeting Parent meeting for track will be Tuesday, March 22nd at 5:30pm in the cafeteria. Track shirts will be available to purchase from the athletic booster club for $20 each.

Bailey Bear Happenings - March 3rd Edition

March 3rd Edition NO School Tomorrow, March 4th Please remember that there is NO SCHOOL Tomorrow, Friday, March 4th. Twilight/Saturday School Update There will be NO Saturday School on March 5th or 12th.

Bailey Bear Happenings - February 25th Edition

February 25th Edition PTA Screening of "Screenagers"

Bailey Bear Happenings - February 18th Edition

February 18th Edition No School on Monday, February 21st Please remember that students do not have school on Monday. 

Bailey Bear Happenings - February 11th Edition

February 11th Edition Principal's Note - Reminder about Valentine's Day Bailey Parents and Guardians, We wanted to send out a reminder about Valentine's Day gifts, flowers, balloon arrangements, and candy, etc., delivered to school or brought from home.

Bailey Bear Happenings - February 6th Edition

February 6th Edition Principal's Note In light of the recent Boil Water Notice from the City of Austin, the following message (in italics) is from AISD:

Bailey Bear Happenings - January 28th Edition

January 28th Edition 8th Grade Boys Starting in February, 8th grade boys will have state-mandated spinal screenings. If parents have any questions, please feel free to contact the nurse at

Bailey Bears Happenings - January 16th Editin

January 16th Edition Showcase Information for Current 6th and 7th Graders Dear Bailey 6th and 7th Grade Families,

Bailey Bear Happenings - January 7th Edition

January 7th Edition Girls' Soccer Information Practice is Monday - Thursday, 4:00 - 5:15pm. Our parent meeting will be Wednesday, January 12th at 5:30pm in the big gym. The booster club will be selling soccer shirts for $20 each.